The 7 Lidi of Comacchio
Tourist Itineraries and places of interest of our coast that overlooks the Adriatic Sea
In this section, Danilo's Real Estate Agency describes the 7 famous Lidi Comacchiesi.
The Lecce of Comacchio (long called Lidi Ferraresi, at least until the '90s) are seven seaside resorts located in the municipality of Comacchio, in the province of Ferrara along the Adriatic coast.
They distance 55 kilometers from Ferrara on average, along a coastline of about 25 kilometers between the province of Rovigo to the north and the province of Ravenna to the south, where the Romagna Riviera begins.
The lids are completely inserted into the Delta del Po Regional Park, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site along with the delights of the South in 1999.