Request information for your holiday in the Lidi Ferraresi (specify in the notes your bid type, eg: RENTAL 20% DISCOUNT)
Dear Customer,
for more information on homes, villas and apartments for sale or rent to the Ferrara beaches, fill out the form below, which, remember, there is absolutely challenging and can even compile it only in part. Once you submit your request you will be contacted by phone or e-mail.
Via Mare Adriatico, 17
GPS coordinates:
Latitude: 44.717905
Longitude: 12.240115
phone and fax +39.0533.380147
mobile +39.338.1418314
Opening hours of our office:
Summer opening Everyday |
Winter opening Every day except on Tuesdays |
Morning from 9 am to 12.30 pm |
Morning from 9 am to 12.30 pm |
Afternoon from15 to 19 |
Afternoon from 15 to 19 |
The Comacchio beaches are within easy reach:
- BY TRAIN: up to the station Ostellato or Ravenna, then continue by bus.
For more information visit the website
- BY BUS: the beaches are accessible by BUS LINE from the following cities: Ferrara, Ravenna, Milan, Turin, Bergamo, Brescia, Mantua, Vicenza, Padua, Verona. For more information, refer Tper
- BY PLANE: The nearest airports are: Bologna-Marconi, Venice-Marco Polo, Rimini-Federico Fellini
- Transfer from Bologna to Ferrara:
the easiest way to get to Ferrara.
- Connects the Bologna airport with historic center of Ferrara . Journey time 60 minuti.Partenze guaranteed as to time . Tickets purchased on board. Baggage handling charge. Special rates for groups. Children who are shorter than 1 meter, accompanied by an adult are free. Way ticket € 15,00. The service is suspended in one day on December 25 .
- From Venice along the SS . 309 Romea towards Ravenna , the Lido Pomposa is about 100 km from Venice ;
- From Bologna take the highway A13 Bologna-Padova Padova, Ferrara Sud exit
Continue on the highway Ferrara - Ferrara beaches (about 50 km), at the end of the motorway take SS . 309 Romea towards Venice until the exit Lido Pomposa (about 2 miles) ;
- From Rimini SS . 16 towards Ravenna , Ravenna SS . 309 Romea towards Venice Lido Pomposa is about 35 km.